Botanical Name: Cnicus benedictus
Common Names: Holy Thistle, Saint Benedict thistle, spotted thistle, bitter thistle, blessed cardus
A little bit of blessed thistle herb goes a long way. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid blessed thistle herb altogether; those who are taking blood thinners should consult their primary health care provider before taking any extract of cnicus benedictus.
Herb: Blessed Thistle - Organic - 1 Oz.
The chemicals in blessed thistle – cnicin and polyacetylene, can be helpful in fighting bacterial infections as they have activity against several types of bacteria.
Traditionally it is considered to stimulate stomach acid secretion and has been used in the treatment of indigestion and flatulence (gas).
It can also be used to treat certain types of diarrhea as it acts as a bile flow stimulant.
Blessed thistle is as an astringent and helps to prevent excessive bleeding and so it is included in several natural remedies for wounds, boils, and skin ulcers. Blessed thistle is believed to have blood purifying properties and is often used to treat yeast infections.
Blessed thistle has been proved to be an effective breast milk stimulant and is often used to help treat insufficient or delayed milk production.
Not to be used during pregnancy! Also, long-term use of this herb is not advised.