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Honeybush Rooibos Tea is used to make herbal teas, the flowers smell like honey; the taste is somewhat sweet.

Tea: Honeybush Rooibos Tea-Organic 1 Oz.

SKU: 8-366
  • Honeybush has a honey, nectar-like aroma with a balanced, natural flavor. Slightly sweet, Honeybush is great hot or iced and is refreshingly simple. The natural balancing properties work well for women of all ages and with no caffeine Honeybush can be enjoyed any time of day or night.

    Contains powerful antioxidants; prevents some cancers; has a high mineral content; improves circulation; lowers blood pressure and cholesterol; relieves stomach complaints; aids the absorption of iron; can relieve skin conditions; can protect against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease; and encourages restful sleep.

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